Dream 5/18/24

We are the same

we are a are of some kind of humanoid alien hybrid. with octopus like tendrils for sexual organs

we mostly look like humans

following a group, they are like a drum corps

one young adult is a manipulator and rapist

his girlfriend does not understand that her tendrils also unravel

she is raped without her knowledge

I am both her and an older adult

something happens and the whole group is abducted and put through trial and tribulations

first is in a large aquarium there is a deep pool with a squid like creature we think it is benevolent, as we are familiar with a similar species on our planet

but it is a ruse, the squid was genetically modified and is malevolent

we find its tendrils chasing after us we are then transported to another section of the craft

it is a large atrium like room, with a smooth domed glass ceiling where you can see the sky and stars

there is a sense of calm after escaping the squid